May 21, 2013

Emotional Intelligence

Posted in Hypnosis, Hypnosis Training, Hypnotherapy at 9:40 am by hypnosiscenterofva

 What is emotional intelligence? It is the ability to identify, assess, and control the emotions of oneself, of others, and of groups. Why is it important? Because we see the world not as it is but as we are. If we are angry, we tend to see and find things that support that feeling. The same is true of any strong emotion.  So if we can’t control and manage our negative emotions, they become compounded by external events. They also become magnified because this is where we choose to place our focus. 

Neuroscience has shown us that each of our emotions send a chemical-hormonal response to the brain. So if we continually dwell on any emotion, then we continually receive a chemical-hormonal stimulus. In this way, we can become addicted to our emotions, due to the chemicals or hormones. Over time we can forget what “normal” feels like and so we subconsciously create situations to give us more and more of that “fix”. 

Scientists have also proven that our emotional state can directly affect the emotional states of others around us. This is called Limbic Resonance. We intuitively “feel” others feelings, even if they try to hide the way they feel. Our feelings can become in line or resonate with others around us, especially if these emotional states are strong like, grief, anger and positive ones like love and compassion. Due to mirror neurons in the brain, we “mirror” others actions and feelings. Mirror neurons are considered the foundation of empathy and it can also explain things like mob mentality. 

Emotions are based on our perceptions. Perceptions are our interpretation of an event. So our perceptions and therefore our emotions, may even be based on misinformation, misinterpretation or old outdated beliefs. Explore your emotions. Ask, “What is that emotion trying to tell me?” “Is this emotion based on a misperception or is it like a signpost on the road of life, helping to guide me to make a positive change in my life?” 

When we learn to control and manage our emotions we take back control of our actions and reactions. We have a choice. We choose our thoughts and we choose where to place our focus. What we choose will determine our emotional states and those around us. That is emotional intelligence.


This information is for informational purposes only and not intended to as a substitute for medical or mental health issues. Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists. For additional course details, visit our website at

November 18, 2012

Smoking & Stress

Posted in Hypnosis, Hypnosis Training, Stop smoking, Stress Management, Uncategorized tagged , , at 6:05 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

Everyone deals with stress every day. Stress comes in all sizes and shapes. Stress can wear you down, especially when it is constant and recurring. Small stress can gang up on a person and become one large persistent stress. Even happy events can be stressful. It’s important that you know what your stressors are and fine the best way for you to deal with them.
Many people smoke as a way of dealing with stress. Cigarettes may help a person to calm down, or be a companion when the person takes a break. Many people realize that cigarettes are harming them, but they just can’t seem to be able to give them up. There is a link between stress and smoking. It’s important for the stressed out smoker to learn new ways to relax. You may want to find outlets for relaxation rather than reaching for a cigarette. Many methods for quitting smoking are out there; i.e., pills, patches, hypnosis. Not every method works for every individual. Do some research and decide which method is best for you.
Some good techniques are: Give yourself a relaxation break. Allow yourself to have pleasant relaxing thoughts. Mentally go to your favorite place. Practice Yoga breathing; a method of deep breathing that helps you produce endorphins – the feel good hormones. Keep your body active – take walks in nature, keep a worry stone in your pocket and use it to keep yourself focused on relaxation. Learn to accept life’s stresses and let go of worrying about yesterday and tomorrow.
Take the Stress Quiz to identify your triggering events:
Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists and approved for continuing education credits for RNs and CRNAs. For additional course details, visit our website at
Hypnosis Center of Virginia is affiliated with Healthy Visions. Healthy Visions is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC). Approved for 40 CE Credits Code # 5-133-101.Exp. 7/15/14
Approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 40 CE Credits Code # 1026926 Expiration 5/11/13

September 1, 2012

Hypnosis Alleviates Cancer Pain

Posted in Hypnosis, Hypnosis for Pain Management, Medical Hypnosis at 5:00 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

In 1996 a National Institutes of Health panel issued a statement published by the AMA indicating that there was “strong evidence for the use of hypnosis alleviating pain associated with cancer.” 

According to a study done at the Mayo Clinic College of Medicine in Jacksonville, Florida in 2000, indicated that “hypnosis offered a moderate to large analgesic effect for most types of pain”. 

Hypnosis has shown to be useful in reducing the side effects of chemotherapy in children and adults.  They had less nausea and vomiting as compared to a control group.  Children who learned self-hypnosis appeared to feel more control over their situation. 

The acceptance of hypnosis as a complementary mode of treatment in medicine has given rise to careful research into the result of using hypnosis as an adjunct.  According to a 2002 study on the effectiveness of adjunctive hypnosis with surgical patients reported in Anesthesia & Analgesia, “the use of live therapists and positive and appropriate semantics at the most receptive times were advocated to foster shorter hospital stays, earlier recovery, and improved patient well-being.  Hypnosis as an adjunct to surgery was believed to be successful for the majority of individuals with benefits such as decrease pain, anxiety, nausea, and recovery time.”

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists. For additional course details, visit our website at


July 6, 2012

Long term stress and your health

Posted in Hypnosis, Medical Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis, Stress Management, Uncategorized tagged , , at 4:09 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

Dr. Anthony Komaroff of the Harvard Medical School wrote in his recent syndicated column that “Long term, constant stress can harm many aspects of your health, including your cardiovascular health.”  It has long been known that stress is related to heart attacks and strokes.  Stress may even cause elevated cholesterol levels.  If you have elevated cholesterol it’s helpful to exercise and eat healthily.  There appears to be a connection between stress and a craving for sugar, salt and greasy snacks.  Eating unhealthy foods leads to a buildup of plaque in the arteries.  This narrowing of the arteries restricts blood flow and a blockage can occur.

Long term stress can cause high blood pressure and the possibility of blood clots due to the blood platelets becoming sticky.  People who are highly stressed are more likely to smoke and they are also less likely to exercise.

Hypnosis is a strategy that can help you to change bad habits into good habits.  It helps you to develop a positive mental attitude.  Hypnosis is very helpful in assisting you to stop smoking and start exercising.    You can learn relaxation techniques which can lead to healthier outcomes for yourself.  Make a positive decision about your health today.

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists. For additional course details, visit our website at

May 8, 2012


Posted in Hypnosis, Medical Hypnosis, Self Hypnosis, Stress Management, Uncategorized at 6:52 am by hypnosiscenterofva

More and more research is finding there is a link between our mental health and our heart health.  “We know that anger, depression and even loneliness release stress hormones like adrenaline and cortisol,” says Mimi Guarneri, MD, Director of the Scripps Center for Integrative Medicine in La Jolla, CA.   Stress hormones cause the blood pressure to rise.  Adrenaline and cortisol are the “fight or flight” hormones. Not only do these hormones cause stress upon the heart, cortisol contributes to abdominal obesity as well as type II diabetes.  These are well documented risk factors for heart disease according to Dr. Guarneri.  She also says that, “Eighty percent of illness is related to lifestyle and environment.” 

You can make healthy choices and alter a downward pattern in your health.  Did you know that anger is a hazard to your heart?  Recent research published in the journal Circulation found that healthy women who scored high on tests of cynical hostility had higher rates of coronary heart disease and mortality than women who tested high for optimism. 

A study from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, MD found that medical students who were quick to anger when they were stressed were several times more likely to develop early heart disease than those who were calmer. 

Studies have been done which showed that transcendental meditation which allows the mind to relax,  was associated with a marked reduction in heart attacks and strokes.  The Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis recently concluded that a history of major depression increased the risk for heart disease more than genetics or environment. 

Some people use relaxation techniques (also called relaxation response techniques) to release tension and to counteract the ill effects of stress. Relaxation techniques often combine breathing and focused attention on pleasing thoughts and images to calm the mind and the body. Some examples of relaxation response techniques are autogenic training, biofeedback, deep breathing, guided imagery, progressive relaxation, and self-hypnosis. Mind and body practices, such as meditation and yoga are also sometimes considered relaxation techniques – National Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists and approved for continuing education credits for RNs and CRNAs.  For additional course details, visit our website at

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is affiliated with Healthy Visions. Healthy Visions is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).   Approved for 40 CE Credits Code # 5-133-101.Exp. 7/15/14 

Approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 40 CE Credits Code # 32950 Expiration 5/19/12

August 4, 2011

Why diets alone do not work

Posted in Uncategorized at 1:59 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

If you’ve ever tried to lose weight, you know how hard it is. Many of us have tried every new diet out there and maybe lost a few pounds in the beginning but eventually end up gaining it back. Why? Because

Diets don’t address the reason you are overeating to begin with. 

The number one reason for overeating is STRESS! Stress creates cravings of sugar, salt or carbohydrates and we all know that carbs turn to fat quicker than protein. Another reason we over eat is due to our emotions. We eat because we are bored, sad or lonely. Food is a way to change these emotions so that we can feel comfort, satisfied, and it temporarily takes away that empty feeling in our life. Food and weight gain can also provide a sense of safety and security by keeping relationships at a distance or it can be a “reward” or a treat to ourselves. Think of how many celebrations that we attend are focused around food. 

There are many more reasons for overeating and gain weight and for each person the reasons are unique, but the key is the same. Adding hypnosis can increase your success and help you keep the weight off.  

How? Using our hypnosis weight loss program we start with helping you change your perception about food and exercise. Food is no longer just a reward or a comfort and exercise becomes a way of life. We provide you with techniques to help manage your daily stress. We also provide valuable information regarding proper nutrition and help you uncover and let go of the underlying reasons that you overeat. 

Our program is not a quick fix but it will help you to make lasting changes in the way you treat yourself. Love yourself and your body enough to make a decision to be healthy and you be rewarded with lasting good health and maintaining your optimum weight. 

Weight loss affirmation: 

“I am at peace with my own feelings. I am safe where I am. I create my own security. I love and approve of myself.”  Louise Hay


 Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is certified by the National Guild of Hypnotists. For additional course details, visit our website at


June 3, 2011

New NIH Study of Secondhand Smoke

Posted in Hypnosis, Hypnosis Training, Self Hypnosis, Stop smoking at 6:26 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

Now there’s even more research to support the dangers of secondhand smoke. In May of 2011 the National Institutes of Health reported on a study conducted at the University of California, Los Angeles.  Dr. Arthur Brody headed up a team that studied the affects of secondhand smoke on the human brain.  By using a PET scan they were able to show how nicotine occupies the brain’s nicotinic receptors (nAChRs).  Previous studies have shown that children who are exposed over a long period to secondhand smoke will become smokers. 

Both smokers and non-smokers were tested.  They were put in an enclosed area with secondhand smoke for up to one hour.  The results showed that about one in five of nicotinic receptors in both groups were occupied by nicotine after the one hour exposure.  The group’s smokers had increased cravings for a cigarette after the exposure to the secondhand smoke. 

It was concluded that even limited exposure to secondhand smoke is enough to alter brain function.  This study provides evidence for the banning of smoking in public places.  There is more concern if the smoking areas are small and if there are children around. 

In addition, according to the NIH, a Surgeon General’s Report in 2006 concluded that secondhand smoke causes heart disease and lung cancer in nonsmoking adults.

Based these findings, it’s no wonder that more states are banning smoking in all public places.

Click the link to read the entire NIH article:

Study shows how secondhand smoke affects brain function.

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists and approved for continuing education credits for RNs and CRNAs.  For additional course details, visit our website at

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is affiliated with Healthy Visions. Healthy Visions is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).   Approved for 40 CE Credits Code # 5-133-101.Exp. July 31, 2011

Approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 40 CE Credits Code # 32950 Expiration 6/25/2011

January 25, 2011

Staying positive in challenging times

Posted in Hypnosis, Stress Management at 4:01 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

Every day we encounter so many things that can bring us down. We are living through significant changes in the world which can lead to different challenges and for some people it can difficult to handle.

So how do we stay positive? We have a choice.

We have to choose which thoughts we are going to focus on. If we choose to focus on the negative thoughts they attract more negative thoughts. The longer we focus on the negative thoughts, the longer it takes a positive thought or event to shift the mood to postive.

Unfortunately, most people are not able to just stop thinking about something. The more we try to stop thinking about something the more we think about it. I’m sure you’ve heard of the “pink elephant” theory.

In order to consciously choose to think positive thoughts, we need to first pay attention to our thoughts. Then we begin to notice when we start down that road of negativity. If you don’t immediately notice your negativity, that’s okay as long as DO notice it. Once you start paying attention, you’ll notice that you begin can catch it sooner.

Now we can make a conscious decision to shift from a negative thought to a positive thought. You can mentally tell yourself STOP!and change the channel to ANY thing positive, just imagine changing the channel on the TV.  The more we do this, the easier it becomes.

We don’t have any control over many events in the world, be we do have control over how much power we give to outside circumstances and how we let it influence our life. This is what is meant by creating your reality. If I choose to focus on the positive things in life, Ican choose to feel good no matter what is going on around me.

If you take back control of your mind, you’ll take back control of your life.


Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists and approved for continuing education credits for RNs and CRNAs.  For additional course details, visit our website at

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is affiliated with Healthy Visions. Healthy Visions is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).   Approved for 40 CE Credits Code # 5-133-101.Exp. July 31, 2011 

Approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 40 CE Credits Code # 32950 Expiration 6/25/2011

November 16, 2010

Virginia Hypnotists Help Veterans with Combat Operational Stress

Posted in Combat stress, Hypnosis, Hypnosis for Veteran's project, Stress Management at 1:35 pm by hypnosiscenterofva

Virginia Beach, VA – November 13-14, 2010.  Hypnotists of the Virginia Veterans Hypnosis Project gathered at the Oceanfront to discuss hypnosis methods and techniques that would benefit Veterans who are struggling with combat operational stress.  

Andrew Leon, chairman of the Virginia Veterans Hypnosis Project stated, “The goal is to reach out to the veterans who cannot talk about their symptoms.” 

One of several local speakers at the meeting was Mary von Posch, owner of Hypnosis Center of Virginia, who spoke on the topic of Mindfulness and how these techniques can be incorporated into hypnosis sessions for returning combat veterans to help them live more fully in the present rather than focusing on the past.  This process helps them take back control of their thoughts.  Additional hypnosis techniques may also help Veterans reduce overall negative feelings related to their experiences in combat.  

The members of the Virginia Hypnosis Veterans Project continue to meet periodically to formulate their standards of practice guidelines for working with veterans who are experiencing combat operational stress. 

About Hypnosis Center of VirginiaLocated in Virginia Beach, Virginia, Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a Hypnosis Training Center which provides Hypnosis Certification and Hypnosis Continuing Education courses to both medical and non-medical professionals and also maintains an individual practice to help individual clients reach their goals and make personal positive changes in their lives.

September 9, 2010

Stressed out? Just Breathe….

Posted in Hypnosis, Hypnosis Training, Stress Management at 9:21 am by hypnosiscenterofva

We all know how stressful our lives are today. Multi-tasking has become the norm and I won’t even go into the shape of the economy and its effect on us all. But there’s one thing that we can do to help ourselves de-stress and that’s BREATHE. Now you may be thinking “I DO breathe!”, but in order to gain the de-stressing benefits of breathing, you must retrain yourself to breathe properly. 

Did you know that when we were babies we knew how to breathe properly? As a baby, we took a breath and the oxygen automatically flowed down into the lower part of the lungs. As we aged and began to experience stress, our breathing changed to a shallow chest breathing where the air/oxygen now only flows into the upper lobes of the lungs.  

Try taking a deep breath and notice what happens. For most people their shoulders move up, the top of the chest moves up and the stomach is pulled in.  

To breathe properly, just gently push your stomach and notice how you automatically bring air into your lungs. The reason for this is that when you push out your stomach, the diaphragm drops down and creates more space for the lungs to expand. Negative pressure in the chest is created and air automatically comes in and flows down to the lower lobes of the lungs. The two lower lobes of the lungs are important because they have more blood vessels; therefore more oxygen can get into the tissues and muscles allowing them to relax. More oxygen is carried by the red blood cells to the brain which helps us to think more clearly.  

Oxygen is relaxing and healing and allows for a major decrease in stress.  So by taking a deep breath this way at least once an hour, it changes the stress response. The best way to do this is to breathe in for four counts, hold the breath four counts and breathe out for eight counts and to do that hourly.  Some people may have different opinions on the number of counts but most agree that the important thing is to allow the oxygen to flow to the bottom lobes of the lungs for optimum benefit.  

So, there it is. A simple easy thing to do that will help you manage all of the stressors that come your way.

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is a hypnosis certification and training center located in Virginia Beach, Virginia. We offer a Hypnosis Certification program that is accredited by the National Guild of Hypnotists and approved for continuing education credits for RNs and CRNAs.  For additional course details, visit our website at

Hypnosis Center of Virginia is affiliated with Healthy Visions. Healthy Visions is an approved provider of continuing nursing education by the Alabama State Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation (ANCC).   Approved for 40 CE Credits Code # 5-133-101.Exp. July 31, 2011 

Approved by the American Association of Nurse Anesthetists, 40 CE Credits Code # 32950 Expiration 6/25/2011


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